Copy print, exterior of Thatcher, AZ, LDS meeting house during services, including landscape and people leaving the building, undated
Scope and Contents
The Claridge Family photograph collection consists of around 290 photographs (mainly portraits), 10" x 14" and smaller, which include some historic formats such as cartes-de-visite and cabinet card portraits. Most of the photos are copy prints and there are a handful of color prints. Collectively these images chronicle the Claridge family from the 1870's until the 1980's.
Several of the photographs have corresponding glass plate negatives. Due to their fragility, these negatives have been removed and placed in a separate box listed in this inventory as Box 3. The negatives are listed under their original item number in Box 3. For example, item 1:06:01 has 3 prints and 2 regular negatives located in Folder 6 of Box 1, as well as 1 glass plate negative filed as 1:06:01 in Box 3. Seven glass plate images did not have corresponding photographs and so have been inventoried as Box 3 items, (e.g. 3:01 - 3:07). In most cases, a copy print of the glass plate negatives has been included with the negative in Box 3 in order to facilitate locating the item.
The photographs 2:19:08 - 2:19:14 were sent in a letter written by M. L. Abbott to Samuel Joy Claridge in 1948. The photographs and envelope were removed from Samuel Claridge Collection MS228c Part I, Box 4, Fd. 14, although the letter remained in the file. M.L. Abbott was presumably a great-grandson of John and Sarah Claridge Abbott. All information included in quotations (" ") are taken from inscriptions written on the back of the photographs. Photos in Box 2, Folder 22 were removed from the Samuel Claridge Collection MS228c, Part I, Box 5, Fd. 10, and are part of a memoir written by Samuel Joy Claridge entitled "A Visit to Arizona and Points South." The text is included in the folder.
Photographs in Box 2, Folder 23 are a set of "Photographic Views of Oregon," which have been removed from the Samuel Claridge Collection MS228c Part I, Box 6, Fd. 3. Accompanying each of these photographs is part of a text entitled "The Charms of Oregon, Being an Invitation to President Coolidge to Spend His 1927 Vacation in Oregon." This text is also available in the Samuel Claridge Collection MS228c in Part I, Box 6, Fd. 2. Descriptions included in quotation marks (" ") are taken directly from the photograph captions.
- Creation: undated
Language of Materials
Collection materials are in English.
Open to public research.
From the Collection: 3 boxes (1.5 linear ft.)
Physical Description
(1 item, 1 negative)
Repository Details
Part of the Utah State University, Merrill-Cazier Library, Special Collections & Archives Repository
Merrill-Cazier Library
Utah State University
3000 Old Main Hill
Logan Utah 84322-3000 United States
435 797-8248
435 797-2880 (Fax)