Showing Collections: 1211 - 1220 of 2723
Union Pacific color postcards
This collection contains 6 postcards by photographer unknown.
United States Bureau of Fisheries, Idaho Survey Unit records
This one-box collection consists of the written record of a survey party working in the Sawtooth National Forest and Challis National Forest of central Idaho during the 1930s. These records consist of both a handwritten and a typed version of field notes. The surveys examined the conditions of lakes and drainages, the species of fish found in them, and the riparian areas surrounding them. The last two folders contain maps apparently used by the surveyors.
United States Bureau of Fisheries photographs
Collection consists of photographs taken of a survey that included streams and lakes in Arizona, Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. Many photos show fish shelters, rip-rapping, stream improvements, and fish counts. Some of the photographs were taken by A.S. Hazzard.
United States Congress reports relating to Utah State University
This collection contains highlights of the United States Congress reports relating to Utah State University.
United States Congress secretary reports relating to Utah State University
This collection contains highlights of the United States Congress secretary reports relating to Utah State University
United States Geologic Survey photograph collection
Images of E. W. Glafcke and his United States Geological Survey crew, which included Glafcke, A.L. Mitchell, and Elt Waisner. Included are images of the surveyor's camp, men surveying, wagons, pack mules, survey equipment, and Dome Lake in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. The photographer is unknown.
United States Geological Survey 100,000 Scale Maps
United States Government publications relating to Utah State University
This collection contains highlights of the United States Government publications relating to Utah State University
United States Marine Corps 541st Platoon
This collection contains one photograph by photographer unknown.